Can’t Keep A Secret

Alison Thea-Skot and I teamed up with producer Benjamin Sutton and the good folks at Aurra Studios to bring you a brand new podcast! It’s about the secrets people keep, and why, and what’s really going on underneath our impulse to keep stuff buried. We’ve been listening to your secrets and being silly about them all and I think we’ve made something really nice. Excited to launch this new series with a short preview episode – give it a listen and subscribe if you enjoy it, Episode 1 is coming next week! You can listen to the preview episode here or, indeed, “wherever you get your podcasts.” Always wanted to say that!
Series 1

Comedians Alison Thea-Skot (@alisontheaskot) and Joz Norris (@joznorris) discuss the world’s secrets, as submitted by the audience, and decide whether they should be made public or placed in the Top Secret Vault. If you’ve ever done something funny or terrible, and never told anyone, now is the time to unleash the facts anonymously at