If you’ve ever been a frequent visitor to my old website, you’ll notice that things look very different around here. If you’re a brand new visitor to my website and have never been here before, then you’ll just notice that everything looks very nice and professional and cool and nice! That’s all down to ace web designer and all-round genius James Hingley of Giant Banana, to whom I am enormously grateful for this incredibly satisfying rebrand. I could sing his praises all day, but you, dear reader, perhaps have limited time, so let me just say once more – he is wonderful, consider him for all your web design needs.
Feel free to explore the website at your leisure! James and I have been working hard on making it much more intuitive, user-friendly and functional than my old website, and to work like a real archive of all the various things I work on.
Want to watch my shorts and sketches? Head over to the “Watch” page!
Want to hear my radio shows and podcasts? Head over to “Listen”!
Want to read my news or my long-form thoughts on comedy and art in my newsletter? You’ll find that on “Read”!
Want to dig into my archive to find out more about my previous long-form projects? You’ll find that in the Project Archive by following “Discover”!
There are also pages for live gigs, press, photos and a contact page if you want to get in touch either for professional reasons via my agent, or if you want to collaborate with me directly on a project as a live director, script consultant or creative consultant. I’d love to hear about your projects and see if I could be a good fit for them!
I really hope you enjoy the website and find it a useful trove of interesting and fun stuff, and look forward to hearing from you! Much love,
Joz xx