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Joz Norris


Showing 2 results for: Edinburgh Fringe

It is happening again. I wasn’t gonna do the Fringe this year. Then I thought, “Hold on – I just completed my life’s work. And what, I’m gonna do that and NOT take it to the Fringe??? Am I crazy???” So I’m back again, if only briefly. You can book tickets here. Cya there!

Directing Shows at EdFringe 2024 - April 2024 April 9th, 2024

I’m directing TWO shows at the Edinburgh Fringe this year! First, Edy Hurst’s Wonderfull Discoverie Of Witches In The Countie Of Himself, a comedy theatre show about the Lancashire witch trials, neurodiversity and the Vengaboys’ Party Album. Second, Cerys Bradley’s Queer Tales For Autistic Folk, an interactive choose-your-own storytelling show exploring the lands between the […]

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