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Joz Norris


Showing 23 results for: Live Show

Berlin Fringe - June 2024 June 11th, 2024

I have decided to continue my lifelong habit of doing the opposite of what Leonard Cohen did, this time by taking Berlin BEFORE having taken Manhattan. I’ll be performing You Wait. Time Passes. at the Berlin Comedy Cafe on the 24th of July for the Berlin Fringe. If you live in Berlin, please consider coming […]

Filed Under:Live Show

Joz Norris & Friends - May 2024 May 13th, 2024

The good folks at Strip Light have entrusted me with a night of top drawer comedy, so on June the 19th I present for your entertainment: John-Luke Roberts! Lorna Rose Treen! Bilal Zafar! Ben Target! Bec Hill! Ada & Bron! The night of your life! The night of your dreams! I’ll bring my wife! You […]

Filed Under:Live Show

It is happening again. I wasn’t gonna do the Fringe this year. Then I thought, “Hold on – I just completed my life’s work. And what, I’m gonna do that and NOT take it to the Fringe??? Am I crazy???” So I’m back again, if only briefly. You can book tickets here. Cya there!

MachFest – Thank You! - May 2024 May 8th, 2024

Thanks Mach Comedy Fest. You’re always the best. I forgot to take many photos. Loved seeing so many friends and so many wonderful shows. Loved sharing my new show with such an amazing audience. Loved being a life drawing model. Did not love running from the courtyard to the sign in 3 minutes, felt like […]

Filed Under:Live Show

Directing Shows at EdFringe 2024 - April 2024 April 9th, 2024

I’m directing TWO shows at the Edinburgh Fringe this year! First, Edy Hurst’s Wonderfull Discoverie Of Witches In The Countie Of Himself, a comedy theatre show about the Lancashire witch trials, neurodiversity and the Vengaboys’ Party Album. Second, Cerys Bradley’s Queer Tales For Autistic Folk, an interactive choose-your-own storytelling show exploring the lands between the […]

Upcoming Live Dates For New Show - March 2024 March 19th, 2024

This new show is going absolutely everywhere this year. Couple more dates to be announced, but here’s where you can catch it for now. Bath! Machynlleth! London! Berlin! See you there! Tickets aren’t on sale for Berlin yet, but if you live there then do put the date in your diary, it’d be lovely to […]

Filed Under:Live Show

Mr Fruit Salad Audio Commentary - March 2024 March 13th, 2024

If you’ve enjoyed the Mr Fruit Salad show on Youtube, you can now buy an exclusive audio commentary from Go Faster Stripe via this link! Featuring insights into the making of the show, the tragic story of the unfinished Mr Fruit Salad TV show, & more!

Filed Under:Live Show

Bath Comedy Festival - March 2024 March 5th, 2024

Bath! I am coming back to you in April with my new show for Bath Comedy Festival! It’s about waiting, and finishing things, and moving on, and accidentally hiding your soul inside a robot that eats mud. Book your tickets here and I hope to see you there!

Filed Under:Live Show

LMAONaise Crowdfunder - February 2024 February 26th, 2024

I’m writing a piece about productivity hacks for the very exciting launch of the amazing LMAONaise Newsletter as a physical newspaper! Loads of amazing people are working very hard on this, chiefly LMAONaise’s brilliant head honcho Zoe Paskett, but also other guest columnists including Kate Cheka, Lara Ricote, Pravanya Pillay and many more. You can […]

Filed Under:Live Show Writing

Psyche Magazine Feature - February 2024 February 26th, 2024

I was commissioned to write a feature for Psyche Magazine about using absurdism to say things that words can’t. I really enjoyed working on it, and hope you enjoy it too. You can read it here – do check out their website for more features on philosophy, psychology and mental health, their writers explore some […]

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